Monthly Archives: April 2018


Ciao, tutti! That’s yours truly at her fave local Italian joint about to dig into her fifth breadstick. But before my mouth is full, will you do me the honor and press the “play” arrow. Grazie. And now, just because I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Video blog | 4 Comments

Ellen Goes To Harvard!

Nope, not that Harvard. This Harvard. And how did I get there? Easy. I took the train from Ogilvie Transportation Center. (Gosh, I can almost smell the Garett’s popcorn.) My affiliation with Ogilvie goes way back.  When I lived in … Continue reading

Posted in Oglivy Transportation Center, Trains, Travel | 4 Comments

Breakfast of Champions

It’s Sunday morning, Dear Readers, and that means I feel like a great breakfast. Don’t you? When I was a kid, I don’t remember liking breakfast at all. Usually, I’d just skip it.  I was never hungry in the morning. … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, dining out, Restaurants | 14 Comments

Mean Girls

First, let me start by giving a shout out to my sister-in-law, Mary Lu.  Her latest venture- the Tina Fey musical Mean Girls- just opened on Broadway. The critics thought it was fun and raved about the ultra-talented cast. Next … Continue reading

Posted in Childhood, Friendship, Mary Lu Roffe, Mean Girls, New Trier High School | 16 Comments

Beer O’Clock

(Photo by TBF) Dear Readers, technically I should have posted this blog last Saturday, April 7th. That was National Beer Day. ICYMI. I probably would have missed it, too.  But for the past two and a half years, I have … Continue reading

Posted in Beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon beer | 4 Comments

Up and Down

Rats!  Two weeks ago, my three year and a half year old grandson Sam broke his elbow jumping from a pillow fort. Ouch. Poor little guy. Sam was just another casualty of the latest wave of blizzards that have buffeted … Continue reading

Posted in Grandchildren, Parenting | 10 Comments

Closed Table

According to TripAdvisor, as of 2016 there were 8190 restaurants in Chicago. I eat at exactly nine of them. In no particular order they are: Carson’s Gibson’s Hugo’s RL Rosebud on Walton Calo Wing Hoe Ping Pong Joe’s Why do … Continue reading

Posted in Chicago, dining out, Restaurants | 12 Comments

A Taste of Brandy

…So years ago we were flying home from California.  Nick was eight.  Natasha was ten. Even though we were all in first class, we had been split up.  Nick and I were in the front row of the section.  Bill and … Continue reading

Posted in airplane travel with children, Parenting | 6 Comments


On this most holy of weekends, I can only say, “Thank You, Lord.” Wishing you, Dear Readers – and your daughters- exactly the same.

Posted in Lynn Sage, Mammography | 6 Comments