Huckleberry Friend

Well, Dear Readers, I have some news for you.   Some of it’s good, some of it’s sad, some of it’s wonderful and like most of Mark Twain’s writing, it’s too unbelievable not to be true.

But it is.

You may remember that I married TBF in October, 2022.

In December 2022- same year just in case you missed it- he came home and asked for a divorce.

Now, you know me.  After a lifetime of getting married to different men for different reasons, I’m probably not that of a great picker.

But I’m a pro when it comes to moving on.

That’s all I needed to hear.  He said, “I want a divorce.”

He didn’t have to ask me twice.

That was Divorce Court for me, Dear Readers.

The rest of 2023 was spent in the paper work and recriminations.

You know.  All the ugly details.

But on January 9, 2024, we got the divorce that he asked for and I, by then, desperately wanted.

Finally, I was free.

“I ain’t got a dime but what I have is mine. I ain’t rich, but Lord, I’m free.”

That could be my motto.

I never asked for anything.  Ask any of my ex husbands.

But I’m free.

I want to type that again.

I’m free.

For me, the two most beautiful words in any language.

And now, at seventy-four, after being a puppet of my mother’s, a dutiful wife of a cheating  husband, a devoted mother of three step-children and two biological ones who all grew up to be hard workers and credits to their communities, I can FINALLY do what I want.

I know what I want and I want to start looking for it.

Wish me luck.  I know that you will.

After all, haven’t you stuck by me through thick and thin?

Thanks for that.  It means more to me than I can ever tell you.

I promise I will stay in touch.

And now, I’ll let Huck bid you adieu.  He can say it better than I can.

“But I reckon I got to light out for the Territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she’s going to adopt me and sivilize me, and I can’t stand it. I been there before.”

― Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huck Finn 

Nobody ever is going to sivilize me.

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30 Responses to Huckleberry Friend

  1. Dicky says:

    Congrats E.
    The world just took a seismic shift.
    One hell of a babe is back on the prowl.

    • Ellen Ross says:

      Dicky, all I can say is thanks for your words of support. I will try to keep them in mind as I start a new life- in a very old carcass. Love to your wonderful family, Your fellow Post Camper

  2. Dear Ellen,

    Too early in the morning for the “Finn” puns and the “Mark (my words)” wordplay. What can I say, that I haven’t already said?

    It was a delight to see you in person in Chicago two weekends ago, and you brought down the house with your speech, which was like the dress you wore. Long enough to cover the subject, short enough to be interesting.

    Here’s looking at you.


    • Ellen Ross says:

      Thanks, Julius. You deserved every word of that speech- and more. And here’s to many more cross words between us. Ninotchka

  3. Ellen Kander says:

    So glad you are free!!!! No one should feel intimidated or unloved for any length of time and especially at our age! I’m proud of you and your making the most of your freedom!!!!
    Just want you to be happy…. Love you my “old” friend! 814

    • Ellen Ross says:

      Oh, 814. You are a tonic. My mother was right. Why can’t I be like the girl next door? Thanks for your -as always- kind and wise words. You’re sure right about one thing. Nobody should feel unloved. At any age. I love you, btw. 810

  4. Mitchell Klein says:

    Hey kiddo, Liz Taylor did it 8 times( one of them was twice) so look what you have to strive for. You always find a way forward .

    Love Mitchell

    • Ellen Ross says:

      Oy gevalt! The only thing I’ll add to that is that you are married to an Elizabeth Taylor lookalike. I thought so when I was 14 when Debbie was in my advisory and I see no reason to change my mind now. Thanks for the incentive, my friend.

  5. Joan Himmel Freeman says:

    Dearest E.
    So glad that chapter is behind you, and knowing you as well as I do, you will move forward with determination and excitement. My brave and now free Demi!

    • Ellen Ross says:

      You are a role model and a shining example of grace under fire, my Betty Bacall. Thanks for the encouraging words= past, present and future.

  6. x-1 says:

    We/I always wish you the best and have your back.

    • Ellen Ross says:

      That’s good to know, X-1. This was not an easy post to write- or live. I sure wish I was back at Washington Gardens sometimes. But I look forward to the new days ahead. Hope your family is thriving. Your X 1

  7. Judy Lynch says:

    Congratulations on your newfound freedom! I know you’ll make the most of doing whatever you want whenever you want with whomever you want! Best of luck going after what you want.

    • Ellen Ross says:

      Thanks, 824. When we we’re jumping rope, never did the three of us know what Life had in store for those little girls. Better we didn’t. Here’s to a happy future for all of us.

  8. ‘Vivian Kramer says:

    Wow! What an update!! But, as usual, after a gut punch you land on your feet and move forward. I know that this next chapter will be the most interesting and rewarding. I how I can see you soon, xoxox

    • Ellen Ross says:

      Thanks, Vivian. Life does that to us sometimes. I share both your wishes and hope our paths cross soon. Love to all the Kramer Post Campers. Keep some for yourself.

  9. Chesty Jr. says:

    Never give up. Never surrender.
    Cmdr. Jason Taggert

  10. Steve Wolff says:

    Wow. Two months? That’s barely a full camp season!! Not sure whether to say “sorry” or “congratulations.”

    Sorry that it seems your life is somewhat like Groundhog Day. .Sorry you haven’t had that “were in this together…forever” marriage. Sorry you had to go through the whole divorce mess again.

    Congratulations on your ability to pick yourself up and move on…congratulations on getting your freedom…and congratulations on sending us the biggest tease ever!! I mean, what happened Molly Brown? Are there going to be details revealed to your readers? And what are those things you want to do?

    Sorry this isn’t very empathetic or sympathetic, but Ellen, inquiring minds want to know!! This is a real life “who shot J.R.” moment.

    I truly wish you good luck on whatever it is you want out of life!

    • Ellen Ross says:

      A tad more will be revealed in a few upcoming posts. I don’t want to bore my great Readers with “The Perils of Pauline.” I worry that they’d get bored with the roller coaster. Well, as you say, “I ain’t down yet.” I hit an iceberg but I keep on rowing. Tbc… Thanks, Steve

  11. Susan says:

    Well Ellen, you know I’ve got your back no matter what you decide to do. Meanwhile, I’m glad you’re free to do what you want. I’m glad you got out quickly if it wasn’t working. We should compare notes some time. I’ve sometimes wondered if the total years you spent in what eventually turned out to be bad marriages is greater or less than the 20+ years I spent in one bad marriage. I wish you had always been my friend because I sure sure could have used your help and advice on when and how to get out of a marriage that wasn’t working. I remember my husband saying to me as we figured out how things should be split up that we should be proud because our marriage lasted over 25 years. I replied, “So I should wear a badge that says I’m proud I stayed in a bad marriage for 25 years?” Take your pick – cutting short several bad marriages or staying stuck in one long bad one? All I know is I’m still worn out from mine. I’m envious you’re younger than I am and still have energy left to spend on future adventures. Meanwhile, I enjoy living my life vicariously through yours. So at least have fun for my sake and yours of course. Remember, I’ve got your back.

    • Ellen Ross says:

      Susan, you’re the best. And I’m sorry to hear that you are no stranger to the pain of a failed marriage. I stayed in one for twenty years. The father of my kids and stepdaughters. I know why I hung in there so long. I couldn’t have done it differently. There’s no point in crying over spilt milk- although trust me, I’ve done that, too. Why did you stay; why didn’t you go sooner? You went when you were ready. That’s all I can figure. I am grateful for your support. It means so much that you stick with me now. Onward! for both of us.

  12. Lawrie says:

    so glad to finally hear from you and you are Phoenix rising again. Where are you living now?

  13. Nancy says:

    You’ve got this Ellen! I’m your biggest cheerleader, well behind Henry and Joan. Xo

    • Ellen Ross says:

      You’re the BEST, Nancy. Suddenly I can hear Henry X and Joan cheering me on. Bless you for that- and I miss you. Love to Glen, Ellen

  14. Jackie Rosenbloom says:

    Dear Ellen, I have been single for almost thirteen years. The best gift I ever received from Mr. Ex was being given my freedom to grow. My volunteer interests have ranged from hospice training to working with three year olds at Educare and six year olds at Navajo elementary. I spent two years studying in the Florence Melton program, attending Shabbat services for five years, Torah studies every Saturday morning…..I took bridge lessons and am an avid canasta player. I am a regular at the MIM, Gammage, Phoenix Theatre and Musicfest. My love of cooking and cleaning are now in my rear view mirror. I wish for you a journey as happy as mine….learn to love are worth it!!!

    • Ellen Ross says:

      Thanks for the pep talk, Jackie. You are an inspiration and a role model. I do have other interests- believe it or not- and I am also content with my own company. I look forward to this next chapter. I have saved the best one for last. Hope to see you IRL somewhere soon.

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