Author’s Note: The following is not meant for any of the terrific men who subscribe to Letter From Elba. You’re the best, guys, and I’m grateful for your support and your comments. This post is aimed at a much larger audience on the Internet. So please don’t take it personally. Thanks.
As some of you may know, I was involved in an ugly “cyberstalking” incident recently on Facebook. Some random guy went from nice and appropriate in his comments, to overly-complimentary, and then kind of inappropriate, and then suddenly… rude, crude, threatening and violent to other members of the group.
And he was married, no less.
If it’s never happened to you, consider yourself lucky.
It’s a violation. There is no other word. You’re blithely cruising along, posting something innocent and non-controversial in the safety and privacy of your home or work place, and you’re reading garden variety comments, and then suddenly…
Some jackass now posts something that is so perverted, or obscene, or threatening that it brings you up short.
It’s right in your face. and it makes you feel sick
True, it’s a shock. But it’s the occupational hazard of the cyber world in which we blog today.
Any woman who puts anything out on the Internet opens herself up to stalkers, bullies, weirdos, nut jobs, and lonely married men looking for a little virtual action.
This is my letter to the ones who get in touch with me.
Hey, guys, I want to make something perfectly clear.
I am on to you. And boy, am I NOT interested in anything you think you have to sell.
You are all alike. You start out pretty harmless- a few nice comments or a “friend” request on Facebook. (You always assure me that you know a friend of mine and you’re not a stalker, LOL.)
***You always “LOL” yourselves. Hey, buy a clue. You’re not that funny. LOL.
You have really nice things to say about my writing and/or the blog. It usually goes, “You’re so clever. I really enjoy your work.”
And you sign up.
That’s fine, but then…
Inevitably, the messages start to get personal. You segue quickly from my writing ability to the way I look.
“You’re beautiful…blah blah…You’re so slender…blah blah…Boy, you’re sexy.”
Crap like that.
You’ve gone from compliments to smarmy flattery in a heartbeat.
ICYMI: The Difference Between Compliments and Flattery. Compliments are kind, heartfelt comments that 1. Should be true 2. Should be geared to make the person you’re complimenting feel good about themselves.
Flattery always has a subtext. It’s over the top, and guaranteed to further your agenda- whatever that it. (It’s also really creepy when the person commenting on your looks has never met you.)
Celebrity Empathy Sidebar: I have always had my photograph in the paper and I know a little about what it’s like to have strangers project stuff onto you based solely on your picture.
My heart goes out to the truly famous who have to deal with this objectification on a daily basis.
It’s nice when someone you like and respect admires you.
It’s goose-pimply and a little repugnant when some stranger tells you that you turn him on.
I’m not that hot, guys. Get over yourselves.
And before you think I’m stuck up, let me be clear.
The men who get in touch with me with a “Let’s run this up the sexual flagpole and see who salutes” attitude are not driven to distraction by my looks.
This is ALL about them- not me. I am just an easy mark- a divorced woman whom they happen to “meet” on the Internet. And you can bet that I am not the first woman they have tried it on with.
Nor will I be the last.
Guys like this trawl the Internet looking for targets of opportunity. And when I won’t play ball, they always stop reading the blog.
Gee, what happened to the clever writing you liked so much?
Now this might be the time to say that I have many married men readers. They are smart and genuinely interested and nobody is trying to get me to come away with them to the Casbah.
But every once in awhile, some joker shows up online with something other than my writing skills on his dirty little mind.
He has usually completely forgotten about the wife at home, btw. There is never a mention of her- as he contacts me from his workplace. Safer from prying spousal eyes, I guess.
As a gal who was married to a cheater, my sympathies are strictly with the unsuspecting wife here. I have NO interest in aiding and abetting this wannabe crime.
My ex cheated all the time. And I bet he started it. An “innocent” conversation, or an admiring glance.
BUT… at some point, the “other” women had to be complicit. They knew that he was married and yet they still became willing co-conspirators.
They went along for the adultery ride. No thought to me, or how it would affect our kids. Maybe they bought his crapola about “my wife doesn’t understand me.”
Bullshit. He was married to me- and I understood him perfectly. And I was pretty darn awesome to boot.
He was just a compulsive, entitled, narcissistic louse. He did it to his first wife and he did it to me. And I fully expect him to do it to whomever he’s with- until he can’t do “it” anymore.
So let me be clear.
I NEVER want to be one of those accomplices. Not even in virtual cyber space.
Back to the married slimeballs who contact me. If the poor wives ever saw some of the stuff their supposedly-devoted husbands sent me, they’d plotz.***
***Spanish word for “drop dead on the spot.”
The wife has my 100% empathy here.
(I also have a list of pre-approved divorce lawyers for her.)
I’m done. And I hope you rats out there have learned something here today.
But I doubt it.
Well, okay, then, watch this.